
Moonana is a indie game development studio created by Nana. Virgo Vs The Zodiac, a timed-actions turn-based JRPG, is Moonana's first commercial project, launched in december, 2019. Moonana's newest project is on the works, called: Keylocker | Turn Based Cyberpunk Action.


Moonana is a small indie game developer with a love for unique JRPGs and RPGs such as the Devil Survivor Saga, Disgaea, Earthbound, the Shin Megami Tensei series, the Mario RPGs and OFF. Nana, the creator of Moonana, started to work on games in 2016 participating in jams, and finished some little titles. Moonana started its first commercial title, Virgo Vs The Zodiac, development in January, 2017, with a full release in december, 2019. Development of Moonana's newest title, Keylocker | Turn Based Cyberpunk Action, started in march, 2020.



Keylocker Kickstarter TrailerYouTube

Virgo vs the Zodiac Steam TrailerYouTube